4VI supports diversity, equity and inclusion in Destination Marketing.
To best serve travellers of all abilities, 4VI, together with Community Destination Marketing Organization partners, has developed digitally available guides for consumers on accessible tourism products within each Vancouver Island community, and travel information for the traveller with physical mobility considerations or other barriers.
To support the development of Accessible Community Guides for travellers, 4VI coordinated an image and video acquisition project featuring models with disabilities.
ABout the project
The Vancouver Island Accessible Travel Guides are crafted by travellers with disabilities (both visible and invisible) to provide recommendations and share trip considerations. The information provided is based on consultations with accessibility experts, as well as first hand experience at the time of our visit. The experiences will be different for each traveller and we hope this information will ease some of the trip planning. If you’d like any specific details from the participating communities or businesses, we encourage you to reach out to them directly.
About the team
Lexa Bergen
Project Lead & Producer, Disability Advocate, Ally and Photographer
Having experienced Chronic Illness and disability for many years of my life I have an empathetic understanding of the challenges one can experience when adaptations are required in day to day life and when traveling. As an Advocate I work to bring more equitable experiences for those requiring adaptations in our community and culture so that we may all show up and live our most expansive lives.
This project has been an absolute joy and privilege. Meeting and engaging with a scope of individuals to promote and connect over accessibility has been enlightening and motivating.
Graham Dorsay, Dorse Media
This project really opened my eyes to the importance of creating accessibility for all. As a Filmmaker, it was incredible hearing the stories of every model for these trips. I’m encouraged to see the ways businesses, parks, and organizations are adapting their spaces to ensure everyone can enjoy them.
Robin Whyte, Bio 4VI
Written Content and Model
My name is Robin Whyte and I was born and raised on the Saanich Peninsula, on beautiful southern Vancouver Island. An extrovert by nature, I love to get out and enjoy all that I can, whether that is Victoria’s vibrant culinary scene, local wineries, theatre, concerts, sporting events, and all things wild and natural. I have MS, and use a small mobility scooter to get around. On my website, “Girl About Town: Accessible Victoria”, I post reviews of local restaurants and attractions, and their accessibility from the perspective of a person in a wheelchair. I created this site for other folks with mobility challenges to access critical information regarding infrastructure that isn’t always accessible. I am an Accessibility Consultant and a Disability Advocate. I am passionate about accessibility because universally designed spaces work for everyone.
Stay tuned for more.