40 km | 45 minutes
Ride over from Vancouver and arrive into Schwartz Bay – Image by Fields & Forests
From Victoria, go as fast or as slow as you’d like, meandering through the winding roads into Sooke (only about a 45-minute drive from Downtown Victoria). Here, take a break from the road to explore “where the rainforest meets the sea”; stretch your legs with a trek out to the geological wonder that is the Sooke Potholes, or set out on a scenic shoreline walk along Whiffin Spit – extending between the Sooke Harbour and Juan de Fuca Strait. For something faster-paced, you can go ziplining with AdrenaLINE Zipline Adventure Tours, or set out on a fishing excursion with True Key Adventures. The oceanside town is also home to some spectacular local haunts like Stick in the Mud Cafe, and the 17-Mile House Pub (its namesake is the distance from Victoria’s City Hall) on route into town.
Exploring all that Sooke has to offer may mean you turn in for the night; we recommend SookePoint Ocean Cottage Resort or Sooke Harbour Resort & Marina. If you decide to make this portion of the road trip into a day trip, making a pitstop in Sooke and continuing on to Sheringham Distillery to taste small batch, Island-made hand-crafted spirits and stop in at the famous local staple, Shirley Delicious Cafe, for a late lunch.
Charging stations:
- Prestige Oceanfront Resort, 6929 West Coast Rd, Sooke
- Seaparc Leisure Complex, 2168 Phillips Road, Sooke
- Sooke Harbour House, 1528 Whiffen Spit Road, Sooke